Q: How to Hide the Trailing .URL for Internet Shortcuts?

A: As a rule, Windows hides the extension for Internet shortcuts. After re-installing of a third-party web browser, it sometimes occurs that the trailing .URL may be shown for the shortcuts.

To solve this problem, choose one of the following methods:
Method 1 :

- Launch regedit editor by clicking Start>> Run and typing in 'regedit'.

- Navigate to this key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\InternetShortcut

internet shortcuts


- In the right-pane, create a string value (REG_SZ) named NeverShowExt

hide url


- Close regedit.exe

Method 2:
- Open Control Panel>> Folder Options

folder options


- Click File Types dialog
- Scroll down to the entry URL - Internet Shortcut, and then click Advanced button

internet shortcuts

- Uncheck Always show extension

show url

- Click OK, OK and close the dialog.